Ever since I've heard of the Myers-Briggs test, and all other personality tests for that matter, I've been kinda hooked. :) Thanks to Grace, I found a good Myers-Briggs personality test and I loved it, so I wanted to share it with you all!
The basic idea to the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) test is that people are categorized into different categories, based on different elements. You're categorized into a combination of letters based off of....well, I'd best use an example. I'll use INFP as an example. I stands for Introverted, N stands for Intuition, F stands for Feeling, and P stands for Perceiving. That's a category of a person. There are two options for every letter--- for the first, Introverted or Extroverted; the second, Intuition or Sensing, etc. I did a really horrible job of explaining haha, but anyway.
It's really fun to take quizzes like this 'cause it helps you (or it helped me, in any case) understand yourself and others. And since I'm a big people watcher, I really enjoy that kinda stuff. :)
So, without further ado, here are the links. Make sure you tell me what type you are! I'll tell you my type once I post the links :)
The test
Portraits of the types
The test was accurate, but for me I found it way helpful to look at the portraits of the types to gain a better understanding. :)
My type is ENFP, but I'm weird. I'm not the stereotypical, look-it-up-on-Pinterest-and-agree-with-every-picture kinda thing. Based off of the portraits, I've decided that I'm a quieter ENFP, but when it comes to relationships and being alone I also identify a ton with the ENFJ. Whatevs.
If you take the test let me know what you are! Yay! (: