Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Words of Wisdom (again)

Two in a row! Cool.

You guessed it --- today's topic is traveling.

Because I'm leaving for Mexico in two days.

TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm freaking out right now. 

So, here's the plan: leave at 4:00 Saturday morning (yikes!) and get on a plane to North Carolina (I think). Then, once in NC, we'll take the plane to Mexico City.

I'm taking my cell phone and Mom's taking her laptop, so you can text me, Facebook me, and Skype me if you want! 

Please pray that I don't forget anything when I pack (yes, I'm still not packed yet) and that I won't get sick from eating any of the food down there. :) And pray that everything goes well!

I'll give you all updates!

Love, Bekah♥

P.S. If you want to watch the performance live, click here. The show is on September 7th at 8 p.m. Mexican time. I *think* that would be at 6:00 in American time.....we're in the Pacific time zone thing right? :) See if you can spot me! We're going to be doing some weird songs.....;)  


Bekah said...

Thanks so much!!!!

Grace said...

Okay, we're eastern time, so it'll be 9:00 here. Thanks for the info! I'll try to watch. Have fun! But I so don't need to tell you that!