Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you guys have had a great year and have remembered the true meaning of CHRISTmas.

So, before I post pictures of presents and stuff, I'm going to tell you about why humans picked December 25 for Christmas Day.

A long time ago, the pagans worshipped the sun god. Now, you know how the days keep getting darker until the Winter Solstice? Well, these pagans thought that the sun was dying. And then, they noticed it getting brighter again - and the day that they discovered it (Dec. 25) became what they called the Birthday of the Sun.

When Christians came, they taught the pagans about Jesus. Not wanting to continue their sinful celebrations, the pagans changed their celebration from the birthday of the Sun to the birthday of the Son.

Cool, huh?

Today, we also celebrate Christmas by giving gifts to each other, to represent the greatest Gift ever given to  mankind. So, prepare yourself for plenty of pictures......

Christmas cookies!! That's a tree I decorated - the white icing's supposed to be snow, but it failed.

Angel (also a fail.....:)

That is the best cookie I have ever decorated in my life. It's a rainbow bell. :) It was really easy - all I did was line them up and make rows.

So, a day later, we got ready for bed....including special Christmas pajamas!!!!

Then, after a long while, we finally went to sleep and woke up and started opening presents!!!!! My favorite present was:

Yes. A ukelele! A real one, too, not one of those cheap throwaway ones.

I also got books, nail polish, candy (of course!), a Wii game, some watches, clothes, and stuff. :)

What did you get for Christmas?

Eh, tell me after you finish reading.

Then we ate an awesome and creative breakfast:

Mom, you rock.

So, that was my Christmas. How was yours? And (I ask yet again) what did you get for Christmas?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve!!!! (And Other Stuff)

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is insane!!!!! How in the world did Christmas come so quickly?????


I posted on this special night about two new obsession thingies I've been having. The first (and least exciting) one is :


It's so much fun - I can spell my name and also sign a lot of simple words like table, chair, Mom, Dad, brother, sister, deaf, window, eat, sleep, house.....I could go on and on. It's so fun....I suggest that you get into it.

Also, if you are into it or you want to get into it, here's a tip. Don't learn the finger alphabet in alphabetical order (A, B, C, etc.). I know that doesn't make sense, but listen. Let's say you see deer on the side of the road while you're in the car. Then you'd figure out the signs for D, E, and R and then sign it. Then next time you see something with a D or E or R in it, you now know the signs. And it helps you learn the alphabet quicker, too. Believe me.

Next thing:


 Yeah, if you've seen me a lot, you probably know that, but I'm going to bring it up anyway.

I'm saving my Christmas money to buy it. Mom says that if I have enough money by Dec. 27th, she'll take me to get it!!!! I think I will have, if I do, I'll post something about it!!!!!!!

Can you believe it's Christmas Eve? I am sooooo excited I think I will explode.

My favorite part about Christmas Day is waking up and feeling the excitement rush through you as you walk out and stare at the presents under the tree. ♥ What's your favorite part? (Other than presents of course ;)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Awesome Christmas Songs!!!

I heard these while I was doing my schoolwork. :)

The first one is really pretty - it's by Enya. Their songs can be really weird, but I like this one.

The second one is definitely not as classical as the last one - it's more modern. But it is SO AWESOME. You might have heard it on K-Love, but if not, here it is.

Also, this video is of a house's lights that are synchronized to this song. Is that cool or what?

Yeah....can you believe that it's only four days until Christmas?????? Where did the time go?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Photography

So, I do photography (Picture Perfect Photography) and I wanted to share some of my pictures with you guys. :)

Dancer ornament!!!! (with Christmas lights in the background)

Christmas lights!

Mom and Dad. <3

That's something random I made with GIMP and Picnik (mostly Picnik).

I'm also working on cloning, which is really cool. My friend taught me how to do this, and she did this picture of me, but I'm still learning.....

There's supposed to be a "me" in the middle, but it didn't take. :)

So, I'm having fun with photography. You should get into it, too! It doesn't take much - just a decent camera and some good editing websites. Here are some good ones:

Pixlr-o-Matic (it's on Facebook, so you have to have an account to use it)

GIMP (you have to download it to your computer - it's free, but kinda hard to use. I'm still figuring it out!)

Picnik is my's so awesome!!! Check it out!!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

So Random!

So Random! is an awesome show on Disney Channel. It's not stupid like most shows, though some people think it is dumb. I don't though! ☺ It's a comedy. It's really hard to explain, but you'll totally get it when you watch these videos.

They do things called sketches, which are like skits performed on practically everything imaginable. The things I'm posting are So Random Sketches.

Harry Potter.....come to buy....ointment.

I think the Voldemort in these sketches is creepier than the one in the movies, don't you?

Hey Everyone!

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