Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pottermore Again

This is just so I can tell you what House I'm in and what wand I have, stuff like that.

As for my wand, I have sycamore with dragon heartstring as the core, twelve and a half inches, slightly springy. What's yours?

What's your pet? I chose a tawny owl....I really wanted a snowy one, but they didn't have it. :(

As for my House.....I answered truthfully, I promise. And my house is......



Just kidding.


Yes, yes, YES, I got Gryffindor!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD What did you guys get?

1 comment:

Bekah said...

I haven't named mine either...have you tried brewing a Potion? I didn't know we had a time limit:) I can't believe that Slytherin's winning the House Cup....Gryffindor's in's driving me nuts... :)