Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I'm finally allowed to get on! :DDD I already have over 100 pins, 10 boards, 5 followers, and I'm following 25 people....and as of today it's only my third day on(: I like it a lot. It *might* become a minor obsession, but that depends. :)

Here are some pins. I'll include pins from all 10 boards, so be prepared for a lot of pictures.

From my Craft board:

Those are made from baking marbles in the oven.

Those are knitted ice cream cones(: I'll have to try that sometime.

Next, my Food board:

That's a Disney princess dress cake! Can you see it?

Next my Nails, Hair, and Outfits board:

Next my Quotes board (this is one of my "bigger" boards, so there'll be more than two pics!):

Grace, that one's for you!

Funny board:

Cool Stuff board:

Chalk drawings..

That's a sticker!!!!

For the Home:

I'd love to curl up and read in that!

Each clock is set to when each child was born.

I'm gonna skip my Randomness board, because I'm getting tired of typing and because it has hardly anything in it. For now.

My Photography board:

And, finally, my Harry Potter board, with 26 pins and counting.


bwahahaha...we win....i love bashing Twilight...


-Albus Dumbledore

So. There you have it. Pinterest is really awesome, and I hope you get on it. If you do, follow me, and I'll follow you - my username is quillqueen.

That's all...ta ta for now!

1 comment:

Grace said...

To be honest, I prefer Wentworth (Persuasion). Great pictures! I love the one with Umbridge!
- Grace